Tuesday, January 22, 2008

procrastinate no more

ha ha this word is more or less synonym with me. i have to admit that for instance i m yet to snap the pictures of my dad's stuff meant for so called car boot sales. i promised earlier to help him clearing off the house. tomorrow is a public holiday (thaipusam) so i have to make that photo things done..by hook or by crook tomorrow. i must i must i must do that

i did pack all my old PC things last sunday (after give a thought to do that so longgg ago) and gave it to one of my colleague (for his son actually) this morning. isn't it cool? it take times to transform myself. at least i have started to 'wake up' i have to praise myself for doing wonders last week. i managed to rush between 2 banks for me to do that early settlement thing..relieved! everything went well as per plan even with little evil way (it was almost 11am when i reached the office!..ampun ye bos, i hv to create a reason. purposely for not procrastinate doing that thing anymore)


BoxxTomoi said...

nice writing .. very nice .. I will drop by again .. and again.

cakapaje said...

Salam Mek Na,

So, how did the car boot sales go?

Bergen said...

Thank you for visiting, ma'am. You be sure to have a nice day now, y'hear?

Mek Na said...

boxxtomoi - thx 4 visiting me here :p i'll drop by yours too

cakapaje - done with the pictures thing, hmm but seems like no buyer laa ;(

bergen - u r welcome. i m ur active silent reader of yr blog now :p