Saturday, March 29, 2008

hitch hike

yesterday i saw these 2 girls were hitch hiking the passers by for a ride. i dont stop except was giving them a kind of look and start mumbling in my head 'beraninya depa ni, kang kena culik tak pasal je'. but frankly i did the same thing during that age. impatient to wait for the bus to come. i used to hitch hike during my schooling time. the port was at the bus stop in front of smss. next to istana lama kayu tanpa paku (this was what friends told me while we're chit chatting/waiting for the bus to come at the bus stop). i m not sure it is still there or not now. one day a car stopped by to give me and a friend ride to pasar payang. err i like to merayau kat pasar payang looking for tapai ubi and buah keranji packed in the small packages. satu seringgit. oops i m dragging things away. OK back to the story, what a coincident. that man was happened to be my school principal (en haris hamidon) younger brother. he and his wife were also on their way to pasar payang that saturday morning. while in his car odw to reach pasar, we were asked about our name, tingkatan berapa, siapa cikgu kelas n not forgetting advice to excel in the studies. see my points here how nice and caring people would be at that time, somewhere in the late 80s. well reading Bergen's blog make me reminisced about my old days in smss !! something that i haven't relate and think off for long time since i left school there.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

mencelah sikit

mencelah sikit ya...jgn arr sama2 melayu pun nak pecah belah, tuduh menuduh, pulau memulau...BN, PAS, PKR semua parti org melayu yg beragama islam. kita jgn terpedaya atau terikut2 dgn orang politik ni. depa ni mmg la nak menang. mcm2 strategi la akan dilakukan utk mencapai matlamat mereka utk menang. adat org bertanding la sape yg tak nak menang. boleh aje mereka kuarkan segala macam bentuk menifesto, fatwa hanya utk nak menang.
berbeza pendapat mmglah lumrah. sedangkan lidah lagikan tergigit tp jgn sampai kita ni jd mcm org di iraq...syiah, sunni berperang, US and the other bangsa kafirun dok tepuk tangan nengok satu bangsa satu ugama yg bergaduh sesama sendiri. tak sedar yg puak kafirun ni sedang menyusup masuk nak berkuasa dan kaut segala jenis kekayaan atau peluang di atas sikap kita yg satu ni...(fanatik berpolitik)
as a layman...kita buka mata lihat disekeliling, lapangkan dada, guna minda utk berfikir secara helicopter view (scope yg luas termasuklah isu2 semasa meliputi faktor ekonomi dll didalam dan luar negara) then kita buatlah keputusan utk undi sapa yg kita rasa relevant utk perintah negara kita yg tercinta ini. adios....